EVER FIND YOURSELF swiping through Tinder and think to yourself, “I’m too good for this”? Allow us to introduce you to The League, an elite dating app that claims to resemble “the top 20% of Tinder”.
The gist of the app?
You’re smart, good-looking & successful. You don’t need a dating app to get a date – you’re too popular as it is. But you should join The League.
Oh good.
It connects with your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, and enables the movers and shakers of the world to flirt online without having to mix with the non-elites among us.
It’s currently trying to make the hashtag “#getmeoffdinder” happen.
Although it does concede that Tinder has its purpose.
We’re not saying Tinder doesn’t have its uses (hello Vegas!) but why not spend your time a little more…intelligently?
Furthermore, the app promises the following.
The app, created by Stanford graduate Amanda Bradford, is currently accepting names to be part of its private alpha and will be rolled out in cities in the US over the coming weeks and months.