OVER THE PAST few days, you may have seen this meme knocking around social media.
The gist of it? The Rock has been struggling to button his sleeve for years now.
The meme was posted by Instagram user MasiPopal and quickly spread like wildfire.
It even inspired some investigate journalism from The Independent.
The meme soon came to The Rock’s attention and he responded to it on Instagram.
F’n GENIUS! #TheDayTheCuffPostOfficiallyDied #MyWristMusclesKeepBreakingTheCuffs #MyNextPoseWillBeUnbuttoningMyPants
What pose could The Rock adopt next? We have a few suggestions…
The I’m Standing In Mass and Unsure What To Do With My Hands pose
The Any Excuse To Show Off My Muscles pose
The I’m In The Club With My Huns Doing The Peace Sign pose.