THE YEAR IS 2017, and it’s perfectly acceptable to still be watching The US Office even though they stopped making new episodes over four years ago.
You’re not alone:
And there are, of course, some relatable memes for us soldiers:
1. Never mind new shows, The Office is always there for you
2. And Pam and Jim are taking all the limelight
3. These facial expressions can be applied to every situation
4. Stranger Things (2016)
5. When you know which pizza is good
6. “MFW I’m getting to the end of the series, and realise I’m going to start it all over again”
7. “She no longer does that”
8. “When you find out that Jim isn’t actually a soccer fan”
9. Be your best Kelly, every day
10. And apply Andy’s philosophy on life
11. How to spend Valentine’s Day, every year
12. Break you off a piece of that…
13. “The confidence you get from the perfect pair of jeans”
14. It’s inspirational stuff
15. “When you spot Prison Mike in a CD booklet”
16. And finally, when you have a stark realisation after all these years
All changed, changed utterly.