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Image: Imgur

These housemates REALLY know how to pull off a prank

Talk about taking it to the next level.
Jun 18th 2013, 11:45 AM 3,753 0

MOST OF US have tried to pull a prank off more than once in our lives.

But this Australian household just might have topped everbody in the prank stakes.

Reddit user Tom went away for 2 months and while he was gone his flatmates had far too much fun turning his room into a princess paradise that a young girl would probably love.

This is a transformation that needs to be seen to be believed, like Changing Rooms if it was mashed up with Punk’d with a sprinkle of The Hangover.

HeartlessCorporation / YouTube

H/T to Reddit

8 pranks your worst enemy would play on you>

The most annoying things that happen when you live with someone>

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Conor Behan


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