WHAT DID WE do before online shopping, before ASOS?
It may be the key to owning many beautiful things, but it’s not without its faults, either. Here are 11 things all ASOS shoppers know to be true.
Having a look on ASOS cheers you up considerably
Browsing, saving things for later, dreaming of future outfits – all very enjoyable pursuits.
On a casual browse, you will discover 5+ items that should never be worn, ever
In fact, there’s an entire Twitter account devoted to pointing out ASOS oddities.
And one of our own recent favourites:
And the models’ facial expressions are…interesting
“What’s your motivation? Look slightly dismayed!” – The ASOS photographer, probably.
Your ‘Saved Items’ list is pure fantasy
Will you ever buy that €350 jacket? No. But stick it in Saved Items, where you can at least look at it.
Seeing something come back in stock in your size must be what winning Olympic gold feels like
Really. It’s that amazing.
And not having to adjust the price range is the dream
How glam must that feel? Very glam, we’re sure.
It is far, FAR too easy to make an order
Save my credit card and delivery address? Don’t mind if I do. Input my security code? No bother! Now watch as I make €100 disappear.
The excitement of receiving your ASOS parcel is unparallelled…
…But so is the disappointment of the discovering that none of the clothes fit
Nowt more spirit-crushing.
And you will never, ever find the sticky thing to seal the package up again
It’s nearly always destroyed in your enthusiasm for opening it.
But despite all this, you’ll still be back browsing in a week’s time
“Sure returning all those clothes is like saving money. It’d be rude not to spend it again.”