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15 things no one tells you about having kids

Or if they do, you don’t believe them.

AH PARENTHOOD, WHAT a joy!  Some say it’s the most rewarding experience you can ever have.  However, those people will probably admit that it can also be the most traumatic.

No matter how much you think you know heading into parenthood, there are some things you can’t fully comprehend until  you do it.

Here are fifteen of them.

Everything your child does will be fascinating and/or hilarious.

No matter how much you think you won’t be one of ‘those’ parents, you will.

Sometimes, however, it actually will be hilarious.


You will get used to someone staring at you in the shower.


The extent of the lack of sleep.

You’ll feel like this guy.

You will never go the loo alone again.  (Not for several years anyway.)

Also, you may find the idea of putting your hand in the toilet to fish something out repulsive at the moment, but you won’t even flinch at the thought once you’re in the throes of toddlerdom.


Your children will embarrass you beyond anything you could possibly have comprehended prior to them being born.


Suddenly you won’t think twice about putting your nose into something that will almost certainly smell revolting.


You won’t find changing nappies as bad as you think you will.

Despite how these men make it look.

YouTube/Lynn Huynh-Luke

You will become your parents more than you ever thought you would.  You will also appreciate your parents in a way you never thought you would.


Babies vomit all the time and you’ll barely even notice after a while.


You will have no shame when it comes to keeping your children quiet.  If that means breaking into song and dance in a public place, you will do that.

Different things work for different babies, and you will do whatever it takes.


You will not be alone for a very very long time.  You can not comprehend just how ‘not alone’ you will be.


Baby talk is almost impossible to avoid, and your ability to stop using it in public will probably be poor.


You can stay in one position for a really really long time if your child is asleep on you.


Warm meals will become a rarity.

See this?  Forget about it.


Suddenly you will understand what unconditional love really means.



What other truths have you discovered during your careers as parents?

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