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14 seemingly harmless things that are definitely out to get you

Something wicked this way comes.

LIFE ISN’T ALL sunshine and lollipops.  Oh no.  In fact, there are sections of it which are downright sinister.

The worst of these pockets of darkness are well-hidden too.  They seem harmless, like simple everyday items or occurrences, but really you know that they are out to get you.

Like these, for example.

The printer


It never works when you really need it to.

Public transport

What I see while waiting for a Dublin Bus. - Imgur Source: Imgur

It taunts you with RTPI, telling you it’ll be there soon.  And then it doesn’t arrive.

That bill

esb-bill-1 Source: Green nav

You know the one.  The one that comes out of your account at exactly the worst moment.

Your phone battery

32079509 Source: Quickmeme

Bound to die just when you need it most.

That level of candy crush

Well time to delete Candy Crush. - Imgur Source: Imgur

It’s intentionally driving you crazy.

Your desk chair

photo (1) Source: DailyEdge.ie

It waits for you to be in a bad humour, then tangles itself up in a cord.

The air conditioning in your office

freezig-630x472 Source: Flickr/Lara604

Determined to give you a new cold every two weeks.

Your alarm


It waits until you’re in your deepest sleep to go off.  You know it does.

Traffic lights

Traffic Light - Dublin Source: arjuna, che altro?

They know when you’re really in a hurry and then they work against you at every opportunity.

This unseasonably warm weather

Sweaty Source: gavinzac

Ensuring you arrive a sweaty mess at every important appointment you have this Autumn.

The shower curtain

Shower Curtain Source: Michael_Lehet

Always sticking to you with it’s cold clammy surface.

Paving slabs with water underneath them

le trottoir s'est cassé Source: clurross

Watching.  Waiting.

Hair bobbins

Colorful Hair Bands May 21, 20101 Source: stevendepolo

They hide from you in every nook and cranny and then snap on you when you manage to find them.

Missed phone calls from blocked numbers

arrrrgh Source: DailyEdge.ie

They’ll play on your mind for days.

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