Dublin: 11 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

13 little things that strike fear in the heart of Irish people

The real terrors.

IT’S ALMOST HALLOWEEN, so we are giving scaring the beejesus out of you a go.

1. This arrives on your doorstep

20090715114018!Postage-free-ireland Source: Wikimedia


2. Spotting this up ahead

HPIM1514 Source: vagdrivers

Was that a flash? Christ, I’m got.

3. Approaching one of these to ask for solpadeine

counters-gallery07 Source: Rapeed.co.uk

4. When this flashes up on your screen


And the subsequent voicemail of doom.


5. Or even worse, waking up to THIS on a Saturday morning


Did you say you’d go over? AH SHITE.

6. Driving past a field and seeing these

iphone cows Source: prettyinprint

Rain, rain.

7. Opening the door and spotting a kid with one of these

img1C Source: Maynoothkilcocklionsclub

Are they lying? Is it legit? Where are their parents? How much can you give?

8. The back of the bus

We do not talk about the back of the bus.

Source: paulclarke37

9. The sound of sirens when you’re in traffic

tripping-cat-in-car Source: Rowanmanning


10. When it’s coming towards the end of the night and this is the situation

Monday Night. Stressful times, desperate measures #pints #beers #beerstagram #beer #whateverittakesshoreditch #whateverittakeslondon #whateverittakes Source: dan_witlondon

Do you buy another round? What if everyone wants to go home?

11. Wondering what fate lies ahead when faced with this

2737464 Source: Newsshopper

Delicious chocolates… or a sewing kit?

12. Not buying something in a fancy shop

You changed your mind about wanting something but the shop assistant is staring at you. How do you escape?


13. When people get on a busy bus but you’ve a seat to yourself


I love it, a dark bus ride home after along day, no in your face neon... It's the little things ☺️ #lightsout #thelittlethings #thelittlethingsinlife #nice #dublinbus #studio #noneon #neon #travel #bus #journey #photography Source: jenniferkiddstudio

But they will. They will.

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12 moments all truly classy people will relate to>

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