Dublin: 9 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

8 things that might ruin your day

Happy international Have a Bad Day day!

IT’S ‘HAVE A Bad Day’ day, apparently.

Fitting that it’s on a gloomy Monday in November. If you’re having a day that’s been going pretty well so far, here are some of the poxy things that could still happen to you to help you celebrate this most wonderful time of the year…

1. Getting splashed by a car


(The people in this video laughing may also potentially ruin your day.  So smug)

2. The hot water running out… when you’ve just put in the shampoo


3. A hair bobbin or elastic band snapping. The rage:


But, you know, it could be worse:


4. Grammar fails (and t-shirts like this):

(PigsOnTheWingUk/Flickr/Creative Commons)

5. This:

(I Can Haz Cheezburger)

6. Tights or underwear that are too small:


7. Going on your snot (and then it’s on the news):


8. That smell. You know the one. Like an old towel or a wet dog or swimming gear left in a bag too long.

Is it me? I feel like it’s me (Shutterstock)

Bosco memories! Here’s Faherty the Dog, the McSpuds and Freddy Fox>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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