Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

16 things the world will never understand about Ireland

You just wouldn’t get it.

1. Why this conversation is as important as making a will.

2. What a horrible tease this ball is.

“OH MY GOD, IT’S GOING TO LAND ON €250,000 — nope, never mind. It’s after landing on €24,000.”

insta Source: Irish National Lottery/YouTube

3. Why this is the only bible verse most Irish people know.

Frank Hogan 14/3/2004 Source: INPHO

4. Why we slag one of the most famous Irish men in the world so relentlessly.

tumblr_m7613jjJSf1rb8miwo1_500 Source: bonoisapox/Tumblr

5. Why we all know this man’s name.

<3 u, Maurice Pratt.

quinnsworht Source: RTÉ/YouTube

6. Why this is so hilarious.

7. The true meaning behind this statement.

bart1_o Source: Fatti Burke

8. Why this was so weirdly upsetting.

Source: Brendan Keegan/YouTube

9. What an absolutely genius costume this is.


10. What this even means.

“Is that even English?”

11. Why this meme is actually very, very clever

It’s not just a bunch of random letters, honestly.


12. Why sending a turkey to Eurovision honestly seemed like a great idea at the time

Ireland: “It’s not just any turkey. It’s Dustin.”

Rest of world: “Don’t get you, sorry.”

insta Source: YouTube

13. Why a child would ever be genuinely starstruck by meeting a meteorologist

We take the weather very seriously here in Ireland.

14. Why this has the potential to cause an international incident

15. Why leaving the immersion on is the most unforgivable sin one can commit.

16. Why this is one of the highlights of the Irish television calendar.

“Let me get this straight — the whole country sits around and watches a two-night pageant where girls read out poems they’ve written about their Irish heritage or do a spot of Irish dancing?”

“Yes. ”


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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