1. This deceptive biscuit tin
“Maybe this time there’ll be some biscuits. Oh wait, nope. Just a sewing kit.”
2. These iodine tablets… just in case, you know yourself
3. A CD that came free with a Sunday newspaper in 2003
See also: a DVD of The Fast Show that came free with a paper in 2004.
4. An assortment of lunchbox lids… with no boxes in sight
5. An ancient RTÉ Christmas Guide
6. Some old Christmas wrapping paper that your Mam kept to “recycle” last year
Your Mam loves to do her bit for the environment so she does.
7. A little bottle of holy water from Lourdes
8. 9 copies of The Yellow Pages
Sure, they may be obsolete now, but you still haven’t thrown one out in, oh, a decade.
10. An auld bottle of Calpol from God knows when
Who knows when it’ll come in handy? (See also: a tub of Vicks that was bought 11 years ago.)
11. Approximately 20,000 old batteries
Which ones work? No idea.
We’ll just have to try them all!
12. One of these guys
13. One “fancy” shopping bag that you keep for special occasions
14. Sooooo many of these
15. Don’t forget about these
Just on the off chance they’re worth something some day.
16. Probably one of these hidden up in the attic
Ah, the glory days of 1999…