1. The school book fair was the highlight of your year
a) Time off class and b) NEW BOOOOOOKS.
2. And as soon as you got the little catalogue, you were circling the ones you wanted
This was taken extremely seriously.
3. But if you forgot to bring your money in on the day? Heart = broken
You’re still kind of bitter about the 4th Class book fair for that very reason.
4. You took great pleasure in using the new words you found in books
Even if they weren’t entirely relevant to the conversation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Getting your own library card was a revelation
From then on, your parents were expected to escort you there at least every three weeks.
6. You made it your mission to get as many books as you could every time you visited
Even if you knew you couldn’t get through them all, you relished the challenge.
7. Matilda was your spirit animal
She finished all the children’s books in the library! What kind of #goals.
8. You were a little bit smug when you finished books aimed at older kids
You stole a peek at your report once, which only puffed you up even more. ‘Above average reading level’, eh? *preens*
9. And sneaked home books from the library’s teen section when you were like, 11
A few of Jacqueline Wilson’s racier novels here, a Neil Gaiman there. SCANDAL!
10. You fought nausea to read in the car
And learned that you should probably stop reading in the car.
11. And read way past your bedtime
Gotta get that Harry Potter finished before your best mate does.
12. You did the MS Readathon every year, and set yourself a ridiculous target
“Yeah, I’ll read 125 books in a month. No bother.”
13. And looking back as an adult, you’re pretty jealous of your younger self’s dedication to reading
But it’s never too late to get back into it again. Swear.
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