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This couple is searching for the stranger who snapped the exact moment they got engaged

He proposed half way through a marathon, and there is only one good photo.

couple2 Source: Facebook

JOE DUARTE WAS in the middle of running the New York City Marathon on Sunday afternoon when he stopped 17 miles in to propose to Katie Mascenik.

It was completely out of the blue, but Katie said yes and Joe kept on running.

But the whole thing was over in 30 seconds and they didn’t get a proper picture of the romantic moment.

Katie’s friend did get this picture though

couplephotos Source: Facebook

And in it you can see a stranger also snapping the proposal – but they got the perfect shot

couplephotos Source: Facebook

Katie posted the image to Facebook, and started a campaign to find the mystery woman snapping the exact moment she said yes to Joe:

How I wish I had asked the girl for her picture. She has the perfect picture of our engagement.

The couple does have a video of the proposal that shows the woman behind taking the photo – so there is hope.

Now it’s been picked up by national TV stations and newspapers in the States, hopefully there is a chance they can get their hands on the perfect proposal photo.

That would round off a happy story with a very happy ending.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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