FOR THE THIRD year in a row, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will present the Golden Globes – and it’s a safe bet that it will be absolutely hilarious.
So sit back and check off the nine moments that are nearly guaranteed to happen this Sunday night.
1 The opening monologue will be killer
2013′s show started out with, “only at the Golden Globes do the beautiful people of film rub shoulders with the rat-faced people of television.”
2 They will mercilessly rip into the biggest names in Hollywood
Taking Leo down a peg or two with this introduction was perhaps the finest moment of the 2014 show, who will they go after this year? Nothing and nobody is off limits.
3 And absolutely make themselves the centre of the joke
It’s not just an exercise in ripping on celebrities – Tina and Amy are in constant gag mode throughout, even taking shots at themselves.
4. Get controversial at every opportunity
They will always take the most controversial topics and just run with them.
When they told Taylor Swift to stay away from Michael J. Fox’s son, it seemed to go down well.
5. Prepare gags with members of the audience ahead of time
And they will be funny. Having the craic with otherwise minus-craic actors is why we watch these things.
They have Steve Carell and Ricky Gervais in the audience as nominees, so expect some gags based around the former stars of The Office.
6. Go a little overboard with their chosen victims
When Poehler won her own Globe last year, she celebrated by attempting to shift Bono. It’s this fearless pursuit of crowd interaction that makes the show so watchable with Tina and Amy at the helm.
7. To get drunk along with everyone else
It’s part of the unique charm that is the Golden Globes. It’s not as serious as the Oscars, so everyone responds by getting pretty wasted and saying things they will no doubt regret.
8. George Clooney to be a prime target again
Cloons is set to receive the lifetime achievement award on Sunday – and he’s a regular target for Tina and Amy. How will they mark this special occasion, given he also got married within the last year?
9. Remember though, this is the fun awards show. Anything goes.