Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Adorable toddler gets stuck in washing machine and has to be rescued

Laundry days are the worst.

WE’VE ALL BEEN there. You’re just minding your own business and you get yourself stuck in the internal mechanisms of a washing machine.

A two-year-old girl in China went through an hour-long ordeal as she crawled into a laundry machine roller in the northern Chinese city of Hohhot, according to NBC news yesterday (don’t worry – she wasn’t hurt).

Here she is as her mother realises she is stuck.

machine1 Source: nbcnews

This is the face of a toddler who knows something is up. The firefighters get to work on removing her. They start with a standard saw – nothing too fancy yet.

machine2 Source: nbcnews

When the regular saw doesn’t work, they move on to something a little more industrial.

machine4 Source: nbcnews

When that didn’t break through, the next logical step was the full-blown circular saw blade. It got through the roller eventually.

machine5 Source: nbcnews

She is lifted out after being trapped inside for over an hour, according to the Daily Mirror. Lesson learned – stay home on family laundry days.

machine6 Source: nbcnews

Watch the full extraction here:

Source: Gaga2Mars.com/YouTube

All’s well that ends well.

About the author:

David Elkin

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