WE’VE ALL BEEN there. You’re just minding your own business and you get yourself stuck in the internal mechanisms of a washing machine.
A two-year-old girl in China went through an hour-long ordeal as she crawled into a laundry machine roller in the northern Chinese city of Hohhot, according to NBC news yesterday (don’t worry – she wasn’t hurt).
Here she is as her mother realises she is stuck.
This is the face of a toddler who knows something is up. The firefighters get to work on removing her. They start with a standard saw – nothing too fancy yet.
When the regular saw doesn’t work, they move on to something a little more industrial.
When that didn’t break through, the next logical step was the full-blown circular saw blade. It got through the roller eventually.
She is lifted out after being trapped inside for over an hour, according to the Daily Mirror. Lesson learned – stay home on family laundry days.
Watch the full extraction here:
All’s well that ends well.