THERE’S A WHOLE lot of your life in that little phone. In fact, most of it.
1. The thought of losing it gives you palpitations
If you can’t find it for a second you go into a blind panic.
2. It’s the first thing you look for in the morning
Partially to check the time, partially because you’re hoping for an influx of amazing over-night texts.
3. Your hand feels a bit empty without it
Fits like a glove.
Never leave us.
4. You feel deeply uneasy when someone else is looking at it
It’s like someone is reading your diary.
5. You’re pretty private about it, so it must be on you at all times
6. It’s your crutch for every awkward social situation
Alone and waiting for someone? You still look cool and connected if you’re frantically texting on your phone. Obviously.
7. This is the most important app on your phone
God forbid it would go missing.
8. You feel uneasy if it’s not in your pocket
What if something happened to you? How would you call someone?
9. You’ve been known to hyperventilate at a low battery warning
10. You’re afraid of flying, just because you have to turn your phone off
11. If you drop it, the fall is the longest three seconds of your life
You’d rather drop your first born.