SANTA ASKED HIS elf assistants to crunch the numbers to find out the toys that most Irish kids have asked for in their letters this year.
An Post’s contact in the North Pole, Nollaig, is the Chief Elf in charge of operations and told them that Santa really enjoyed reading the many thousands of letters he received from Ireland. We’re reliably informed that Mrs Claus even put some of them on the mantelpiece.
Nollaig has compiled a list of the top 10 toys, and we got a look at it. While the top five are relatively new, a few classics found their way on to the list.
Here are the top five:
1. iPhone (with accessories)
2. Monster High Dolls
3. Frozen (Elsa Dolls, Olaf, DS Game)
4. Disney Princess Rapunzel Deluxe and Go Glow
5. Irish Fairy Doors
Santa has written a reply to approximately 130,000 Irish children this year, which are set to arrive in Ireland from the North Pole tomorrow and will be delivered in the days following.
Here’s the full top 10 of 2014′s most popular toys:
- iPhone (with accessories)
- Monster High Dolls
- Frozen (Elsa Dolls, Olaf, DS Game)
- Disney Princess Rapunzel Deluxe and Go Glow
- Irish Fairy Doors
- iPod
- Samsung Galaxy tablet
- Mine Craft games
- Lego
- Sylvanian Families
- Farm sets and tractors