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Johnny the Toy Show weather fan has got to do an actual RTÉ forecast

With help from his hero Evelyn Cusack.

Johnny O'Loughlin and Evelyn Cusack 2 Source: Andres Poveda/RTE

ONE OF THE heroes of this year’s Late Late Toy Show was undoubtedly little Johnny O’Loughlin – who captured the nation’s heart as a *massive* fan of the weather.

He also got to meet his idol on the night – RTÉ weather forecaster Evelyn Cusack. And his reaction was adorable:

Such is his passion for the weather, RTÉ got Johnny back in this week to present a special report on Santa’s journey and how the weather might affect him next week.

Brought into the RTÉ weather centre to record it, his hero Evelyn Cusack was with him to give him some pointers along the way.

And Johnny nailed it:

Source: The Late Late Show/YouTube

RTÉ will be putting the clip out on their social media channels from today on. A first step on the road to a glittering weather forecasting career.

He’s a natural:

It is important to remember that Santa does not deliver presents to the children who are still awake, so, if you are still awake when he arrives, he will move on and you will disrupt his journey. So make sure you get to sleep early on Christmas Eve. The weather is very unpredictable at the moment but we are not expecting anything that Santa cannot handle.

Sound advice, Johnny. Living the dream.

More Here’s the moment weather fan Johnny met his hero Evelyn Cusack>

More Fionn the rapping kid farmer was the absolute star of the Late Late Toy Show>

About the author:

David Elkin

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