FORAS NA GAEILGE is the official body that promotes the Irish language around the country.
They also keep a running database of all existing Gaeilge terms - and they’ve had some *interesting* additions in 2016. Like:
1. Noob - glasach
The internet slang for newbie now has a Gaeilge equivalent.
2. Rage quit – scor mire
^when Monopoly isn’t going your way.
3. Job fairy - sióg na bpost
That hashtag will have to change.
4. Selfie stick - maide féinín
“Pass me my maide féinín!”
5. Guerrilla gardening - garraíodóireacht ghuairilleach
Defined as:
a covert unauthorized planting of flora or crops in a public location
So now.
6. Weepy - goltraí
7. Whoopee cushion - cúisín broma
8. Wicker man - fear caolaigh
9. Egomaniac - féinmháineach
10. Hacktivisim - haiceáil chúise
11. Jaglion - iaigleon
A jaglion or jaguon is the offspring between a male jaguar and a female lion.
12. Robocall - uathghlao
Which would be:
an automated telephone call which delivers a recorded message.
13. Bells and whistles - gach sás agus áis
14. Chicken blocking - blocáil chladhartha
The gaming phrase means:
a situation where a player would jump to block an incoming attack in the air instead of on the ground
*playing Tekken* “BLOCÁIL CHLADHARTHA!”
15. Swashbuckler - gaisceachán
Ar fheabhas.
thanks to Jenny Ní Mhaoileoin at Foras Na Gaeilge