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15 phrases that actually got official translations as Gaeilge in 2016

Important work.

FORAS NA GAEILGE is the official body that promotes the Irish language around the country.

They also keep a running database of all existing Gaeilge terms - and they’ve had some *interesting* additions in 2016. Like:

1. Noob - glasach

I-am-a-noob-shirt Source: DigitalTrends

The internet slang for newbie now has a Gaeilge equivalent.

2. Rage quit – scor mire

dd5phiz Source: Wordpress

^when Monopoly isn’t going your way.

3. Job fairy - sióg na bpost

NE6rbCr Source: Imgur

That hashtag will have to change.

4. Selfie stick - maide féinín

IEEE Branded Selfie Stick Source: KniBaron

“Pass me my maide féinín!”

5. Guerrilla gardening - garraíodóireacht ghuairilleach

Peas Source: tracy the astonishing

Defined as:

a covert unauthorized planting of flora or crops in a public location

So now.

6. Weepy - goltraí

tumblr_myr6t0rj3w1sige4ho1_500 Source: Tumblr

7. Whoopee cushion - cúisín broma

Whoopee Cushion Macro May 09, 20114 Source: stevendepolo

8. Wicker man - fear caolaigh

maxresdefault Source: YouTube

9. Egomaniac - féinmháineach

00EgomaniacCover750x750 Source: Crypticrock

10. Hacktivisim - haiceáil chúise

giphy Source: Giphy

11. Jaglion - iaigleon

A jaglion or jaguon is the offspring between a male jaguar and a female lion.

12. Robocall - uathghlao

reject-call Source: Iphonetricks

Which would be:

an automated telephone call which delivers a recorded message.

13. Bells and whistles - gach sás agus áis

bells Source: Tenor

14. Chicken blocking - blocáil chladhartha

maxresdefault Source: YouTube

The gaming phrase means:

a situation where a player would jump to block an incoming attack in the air instead of on the ground

*playing Tekken* “BLOCÁIL CHLADHARTHA!”

15. Swashbuckler - gaisceachán

swashbuckling_monty_monogram__animated__by_jaycasey-d6q5woj Source: deviantART

Ar fheabhas.

thanks to Jenny Ní Mhaoileoin at Foras Na Gaeilge

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About the author:

David Elkin

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