THERE ARE SOME little things that are simply guaranteed to make your day.
They’re usually tiny things – small little moments that somehow manage to turn your day around and get you grinning.
1. Hitting the snooze button
One of life’s purest pleasures. (But like all good things, best when used sparingly…)
2. Green lights all the way into town
This is the double whammy of being incredibly handy but ALSO kind of making you feel like you’re the star of your own personal Truman Show. Well, either that or you’re psychic. However you explain it, it’s a damn good feeling.
3. Someone ELSE doing the tea run
You’re essentially being waited on hand and foot. Essentially.
4. Getting the last biscuit
5. An unexpected compliment
When someone blind-sides you with a compliment – and you can just tell that they really mean it, too – it means the world. Never underestimate the power of a well-placed kind word.
6. Getting something in the bin first go
You’re basically Michael Jordan, except with an office bin and some waste paper.
7. Clocking off early
Every so often, this is just the tonic you need. Even if it’s only being let go home five minutes early, it somehow manages to make you feel like a child being let off school for the summer break all over again.
8. Getting the house to yourself
To a) dance around in your pants, b) watch whatever you want on telly and c) enjoy some wine and put your feet up. Bliss.
So, tell us. What never fails to get you smiling? Let us know in the comments.
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