Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Leitrim parade has two floats dedicated to local ATM robbery

Commemorating the great Tubbercurry raid of 2014.

THE THEFT OF an ATM from a bank in Tubbercurry, Co Sligo in January using a digger was big news locally.

So big that there were not one but two floats dedicated to it in the nearby St Patrick’s Day parade in Dromahair Co Leitrim.

(Please see number 5 here)

First there was Mc Morrow Plant Hire’s interpretation, with the robbers showing a certain amount of bare faced cheek:


And next up was Tubercurry Men’s Shed’s float. Low key, but just as effective:


Both images courtesy of Val/@magnumlady

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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