THE WEEK BETWEEN Christmas and New Year’s is peak telly-watching time – if you’ve been stationed in front of the box then a) good for you and b) you’ve probably watched the TUI ad approximately 3,000 times.
The promotional campaign for the Thomson Holidays rebrand has been on the go since October, but resentment for it reached boiling point this week.
We’d like to offer assurance and support to all those affected. It’s all going to be OK.
Is it the blatant ripping off of La La Land?
Some head honcho pushed the DVD across the table at a meeting and said “Give me something like that”, forgetting that the worm has firmly turned on La La Land.
Is it the twee, insipid cover of Ain’t Nobody?
You’d never know it was actually a banger. Has Chaka heard it yet? What does she think? We’d like to believe she’d be honest with us.
Is it the fact that it looks like the most stressful holiday ever?
She’s always being lifted up and carted away from things! Ain’t Nobody ever leaving her alone! The poor boyfriend is just trying to have the dinner. Leave it off.
Is it the fact that no one can afford a holiday now after the Christmas?
That’s definitely part of it anyway. Very rude to be going gung-ho on the ‘BOOK A HOLIDAY!’ stuff when all our money has been spent on novelty socks and gin and tonics down the local.
Whatever it is, no one can be in any doubt about who TUI are and what they do
At least this guy is still happy to see it. Good for you, Keiron. Good for you.