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28 Tumblr posts that will make you laugh every single time

Tumblr tumblr tumblr tumblr.

1. This two-panel saga

Source: Imgur

2. This perfect screencap

Source: Imgur

3. This truth bomb

4. This description of her face

Source: Imgur

5. This drama from Ancient Greece

Source: Imgur

6. This phone call

Source: Imgur

7. This song

Source: Imgur

8. This caption

Source: Imgur

9. This pun

Source: Imgur

10. This perfect storm

Source: Imgur

11. This entire interaction

Source: Pleated-jeans

12. This theme song

Source: Imgur

13. This face

Source: Imgur

14. This festive putdown

Source: Imgur

15. This man

Source: Pleated-jeans

16. This embarrassing lion

Source: Imgur

17. biebersgurl4ever1

Source: Imgur

18. This dirty talk

Source: Imgur

19. Bert

Source: Pleated-jeans

20. This swearing dog’s thoughts

Source: Pleated-jeans

21. This scene

Source: Pleated-jeans

22. This connoissieur

Source: Imgur

23. This moment of national pride

Source: Tumblr

24. This realisation

Source: Pleated-jeans

25. SIR

Source: Imgur

26. This

Source: Pleated-jeans

28. And this.

Source: Imgur

Source: zarovka29/YouTube

This post is indebted to Pleated Jeans, PeggySue and r/Tumblr.

More: 17 times Tumblr perfectly summed up your life>

More: The 10 most important pizza posts on Tumblr this year>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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