Dublin: 3 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

This fashion label has made the ultimate pisscatcher shoe

Burn them. Gather them up and burn them all.

FASHION LABEL COMME Des Garcons have created the ultimate pisscatcher shoe.

We all know what a pisscatcher is by now–it’s the shoe you too often see in our country’s nightclubs, adorning the feet of young men who just needed something on their feet that isn’t runners.


Urban dictionary describes them as

Leather shoes with a raised stitched upper edge allowing the shoes to catch any ‘accidental spillages’ that may occur during a drunken visit to the toilet.

Well, Commes De Garcons have just taken the actual piss. LOOK AT THESE BOOTS.

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The 21″ toed Guarachero boots are on sale for a mere €454.51, so the risk that people will actually purchase and wear these is very real.

The brand have modelled their new boots on a traditional Mexican botas vaqueras exóticas phenomenon which sees young men almost competing to see who can have the biggest pointy cowboy boots.

cowboylaarzen Source: Waslijn

Prepare your dancefloors, night clubs of Ireland.

What you can tell about an Irish guy by looking at his shoes>

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