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Unpaid engineer gets revenge on band with awful dance remix

Revenge is best served as an horrific dance remix.

WHAT A DIN. What happens if you don’t pay your sound engineer? They’ll remix your hardcore rock anthem into a mind-melting EDM banger.

Hardcore band Altitudes hired Dan’s Lab Studios to mix a killer track for them, but when it came to the small matter of paying him for his service, engineer Dan Atkinson was left with empty pockets.

It’s fine though, this atrocious headache-inducing dance remix was completely free of charge.

Source: Dans Lab

Altitudes vocalist, Alexander Ruiz posted a comment on the video in an attempt to clear his band’s name. It’s almost as painful as the track:

its crazy seeing this, dan our engineer do something like this to us.we never put the video out, we never put the song up for download or even share it.Basically we just weren’t financially stable at the time but we WERE planning on paying him back. after seeing this its crazy because we never thought he would act in such a way. Were not sorry because our intentions werent to let his hardwork go un paid for. Thats all I have to say. Thank you to the ones who care!

We reckon this sounds better than any imaginable original to be honest.

h/t to Uproxx

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