Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

14 photos that will make all Irish people uncomfortable

This may be upsetting to some.


1. NO

Go away chips. You DON’T BELONG HERE.

Archway Town Cafe, Archway, London Source: Ewan Munro

2. This absolute life ruiner

178/365 Source: xelcise

3. Jesus, would you open them up a bit

DSCF6718 Source: Planetmut

4. Sick

EUUz3fE Source: Imgur

6. This view

Sigh, what to wear.

2mmlm-630x470 Source: imgur

7. Asking for directions to here while abroad

33 Source: Doktorspinn

8. Or here

geestreetlondon-630x437 Source: Google Maps

9. You used WHAT brand?

IMG_3737 Source: nellyscupcakes

10. When you discover this


And this…

Bz_liHdIAAEMxLn Source: inkedskincal

11. Ah here

Well, screw you too.

TJND5iI Source: Imgur

12. This upsetting fortune

CDTe7rTWYAE4lra Source: ClaireBTR

13. Our butter is TOO good

btCcZuQ Source: Imgur

14. Shitehawks. Absolute shitehawks

x9T73jJ Source: Imgur

This headline in the Mayo News missed out on a serious pun opportunity>

There’s something awfully wrong with the bed in this Wexford flat listing>

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