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Urban Decay is bringing out a new Naked palette and people are going mad for it

Into eyeshadow in a big way? Here’s what you need to know.

JUST WHEN WE thought we had all the eyeshadow we could possibly want in the world, Urban Decay proves us wrong.

The brand has come out with a brand new Naked Ultimate Basics palette, and makeup lovers are bursting with excitement. Here’s the deal.

So what are we getting?

You might be familiar with the brand’s handbag sized Naked Basics palettes – the Ultimate Basics is a full-sized version of these, with 12 matte shades.

You have everything there to create a variety of different looks, from neutrals to pinks to that very nice-looking burnt orange shade to the bottom left.

How is it different to all the other Naked palettes?

The past two Naked palettes have had a particular theme – the Naked 3 was full of rose gold shades, while the Smoky was geared towards grungy, dramatic looks.

This time, Urban Decay say they listened to feedback from customers on Twitter, and built the palette according to their wishes. You wanted all matte eyeshadows? You got them.

All over social media, UD junkies have been begging us for a new Naked palette with more neutral matte shades – and we came through!

This tactic appears to have worked, because people are extremely into the Ultimate Basics palette:

Gis a closer look.

As you wish. Here’s a breakdown of the shadows:

And some swatches for you:

Very nice.

When can we get it over here?

The palette will be launched in the US in September – the Irish release date is TBD, but European Urban Decay customers usually get their hands on new palettes a month after the Americans.

The other palettes retail at €47 each, and no doubt the Ultimate Basics will follow their lead. Makeup lovers of Ireland, ready yourselves.

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