AFTER MONTHS OF build-up, new channel UTV Ireland finally began broadcasting last night at around 7.25pm.
People were expecting something big, and excitement grew as a countdown clock (our second in just 24 hours) ticked away the seconds to the launch.
We were introduced to UTV Ireland with a slick ad featuring all the presenters and shiny new shows, but a sense of anti-climax began to grow when the first programme broadcast by the new channel was… Emmerdale.
Twitter sent up a general cry of “Is that it?!” Yes, that appeared to be it.
Some were mad about getting Pat Kenny instead of ITV’s screening of The Dark Knight:
And others were sad at having to say goodbye to Julian.
But it wasn’t all doom and gloom – some users asked others to give the new channel a chance:
And a few were impressed by the continuity announcer’s fancy tux. Swanky.
We’re a tough bunch to please. Maybe the Westlife farewell special on at 6pm this evening will cheer everyone up?