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18 gas alternative Irish Valentine’s Day cards

For when you need to say it with a little more sarcasm.

1. In the run up to Valentine’s Day, sometimes you just need to tell it like it is*

bitofaride Source: Gilly and Rob

*in card form.

2. Even for people who hate Valentine’s Day, there are Irish cards for you

tayto234 Source: Designist

3. Whether it be a pun

bitofaride4 Source: Karenflanart Etsy

4. Or a proposition

getacat Source: Designist

5. Valentine’s Day is the day to let your true feelings out

outtayou Source: TwistedDoodles

6. No matter how sweary that true self is

bitofaride2 Source: GilllyAndRob

7. Compare yourselves to other iconic matches made in heaven

taytocard Source: Etsy

8. Or just come straight out with it

Source: GrandGrand.ie

9. Self awareness is an attractive trait

valday4 Source: Twisted Doodles

10. If you want to make a bold declaration of your love, go with this

bitofaride5 Source: Jando Design

11. Or this <3

heartwise Source: Marta Barcikowska and Steve Bennett

12. Rhyming advice works too – showing love is immortal

zombie Source: TwistedDoodles

13. So this Valentine’s Day take a leap of faith

loveye Source: Designist

14. Or subtly let them know your dreams

bouldthing Source: WordBird

15. Pure affection in a card

valday2 Source: Designist

16. You can save the shifting until after

aulfella Source: Designist

17. And use the card to announce your grand date night plan

bitofaride3 Source: Gilly And Rob

18. True love <3

shiftme3 Source: WordBird

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About the author:

David Elkin

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