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12 facts about vaginas everyone should know

Learn about lady gardens.

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WE’VE HAD THE penis facts, now it’s time for the vagina…

Firstly: How big is a vagina?

The average vagina is somewhere between three and four inches, but can expand by 200% when a lady is feeling in the mood. Sure doesn’t it expand to let a baby out? *clenches*

Can it be too big or too small, sexwise?

Is it possible for a man’s penis to be too big for a woman’s vagina? Or vice versa?

TIL a yam that looks like a vagina is the top result when you Google Image search rude Source: Imgur

A woman’s vagina expands to allow for intercourse, as mentioned above, but sometimes even that isn’t enough (or she’s just not warmed up enough), and the penis can hit the cervix at the top, which can be a little uncomfortable. A change in tactic/position is necessary in this case.

According to an actual doctor it would be fairly rare for a woman’s – especially a younger woman’s – vagina to be too small for a penis, and if it is, it’s probably a lubrication issue.

K-Y.JPG Source: Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Can a vagina be too big for a penis? Not really. An aroused vagina should accommodate even the daintiest of penises. Again, positions are the key here.

Can sex change the size of it?

According to Dr Lauren Streicher, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Chicago’s Northwestern University, sex won’t change the size or shape of the vagina.

Worries about feeling a bit ‘loose’, it’s probably down to your pelvic floor. Here are a few exercises to help with that.

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And where exactly is it?

The vagina is actually the part inside the body that connects the vulva to the cervix. The vulva is the name for all the outside bits which people normal think of when they think of a vagina. These bits are the labia, the entrance to the urethra, the clitoris etc.

vag Source: Wikimedia Commons

Simply put, the vulva leads to the vagina, which leads to the cervix, which leads to the uterus, where the baby grows.

The vulva, eh? That can be a bit funny looking can’t it?

Funny looking? No.

Different looking? Yes.

The most visible part of the vulva is the labia, which consists of two sets of lips which can be long, short, hanging down, tucked inside, even, uneven. Everyone is different. There is actual data though, if you want some size-related numbers.

This Redwood looks like it has a vagina. I was reborn. Source: Imgur

Just to be clear, there are two holes

Yes, two (well, three really. But we’re not talking about that third hole today).

One is the vagina. 

In front of that is the urethra, which is connected to the bladder. It’s where the piddle comes out.

This is  a necessary distinction, it would appear.


The clitoris. Tell us more about that

There are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris. That’s double the number that are in the penis. Lucky gals.

It’s often thought of as a button, but it’s not a button. Only a tiny bit of it is visible (which is why it can sometimes be tricky to find. It’s okay, it’s not just you).

This hotel map looks like a vagina Source: Imgur

Discharge is a disgusting word. How disgusting is vaginal discharge?

Vaginal discharge is perfectly normal. In fact, to have none would be more worrying. Discharge keeps the pH of the vagina where it needs to keeps the whole area generally healthy.

The type and volume of discharge can be different based on the age of the woman, and where she is in her menstrual cycle, and whether or not she’s feeling frisky. Columbia University has outlined when a woman should become concerned.

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Normal discharge (sorry for saying ‘discharge’ so often) is white or clear, and might be a bit yellow when dried.

So, it’s always coming out?

Most women will have some kind of discharge every day. And yes, it ends up on their undercrackers. Or pantyliners, if they wear them.

And then sometimes blood comes out?

Yes, around once a month most women of a certain age (anywhere from 10 or 11 years old to the mid fifties – could be even younger or even older) the lining of the uterus sheds (unless the woman is pregnant) and there’s bleeding for an average of 4-7 days.

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The blood isn’t necessarily very liquid, the way it would be if you cut your finger, but it can be.

It can come in bursts, in large clots, it’s often ‘encouraged’ out by sneezing or laughing or moving. It can be painful (cramps in the legs, stomach and back), it can make some women feel sick, it can make some women feel frisky, it can affect their bowel movements. There’s a reason why it’s sometimes called ‘the curse’ you know.

Erm... My food kinda looks like a vagina!! Source: Imgur

Tampons. Terrifying tampons

Tampons aren’t really terrifying, but they can seem daunting. They’re inserted into the vagina to stem the blood flow, and can’t be felt (unless they’re not in right).

Inserting a tampon, especially for the first time, can be a daunting task and rite of passage for some girls and women. In fact, it’s a fairly common search term on Google.


A study of women in the late nineties found that 81% of young women use tampons alone or in combination with sanitary pads. 92% of those who didn’t use tampons cited Toxic Shock Syndrome as the reason for their choice.

Can you lose anything in your vagina?

Not really. Things can get stuck up there for a while but you can’t actually lose anything because the opening which leads to the uterus at the top is too small. It opens for a baby to come out, but doesn’t let anything in.


Doctor Jane Harrison-Hohner says that she has come across ‘lost’ condoms, tampons and other foreign objects, but that all can be removed. If things are left in there too long, they can cause a “malodorous discharge”. If in doubt, see a doctor.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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