A SET OF researchers in the UK have coined a term this week to describe a new type of modern male. They’re called the vetrosexuals and they are the next evolutionary step on from the metrosexual.
Speaking to the BBC, the team described the 25 to 34 year olds as:
These guys are much savvier, much more self-conscious, they’re in to sports, body, fashion. They’re much more image conscious and health conscious due to things like Facebook, Twitter and the advent of the selfie.
Apparently, the typical vetrosexual is reality show star Joey Essex, above.
The team of researchers are from Nottingham Trent University, and they are so convinced of this new term that their findings have been released as a book.
It would appear that this vetrosexuality mostly manifests itself in fashion choices, as they described to The Nottingham Post:
Society’s perception of masculinity has changed, which has caused more men in this age bracket to be interested in fashion and their appearance.
But which Irish lads could be considered truly vetrosexual?
Taking it to mean fashion conscious, grooming-savvy and into social media – these Irish men probably all fit the bill:
Eoghan McDermott
Surely the King of Vetrosexuality* in Ireland?
*this needs to be a thing.
Paul Galvin
Bringing vetrosexuality to the GAA before it was even a term. A trendsetter.
Donal Skehan
Being universally loved by TV viewers around the country isn’t enough – he’s also breaking new ground by bringing vetrosexual to the kitchen.
Darren Kennedy
It would be remiss to leave perhaps the most stylish man in Ireland off a list of vetrosexual men. That’s kind of the whole point.
People are still pondering whether vetrosexual is a proper compliment or just another buzzword. Surely it’s the former.