RESIDENTS IN THE Cornish village of Little Treviscoe are up in arms after they claim to have been terrorised by a ‘devil cat’.
Shiny, the cat in question, is a black tom owned by Mandie and Adrian Knowles since he was a kitten. They say the complaints are ‘ridiculous’, but the victims are outraged.
According to The Telegraph, locals say Shiny ‘chases children, picks fights with dogs, and even bursts into people’s homes to claw and scratch them’. The behaviour has led to some residents cowering behind locked doors whenever they see a black cat. They even prepare themsevles by holding mugs of hot tea to defend themselves from any potential attack.
Residents would now like to see Shiny put down, but his owners are having none of it.
Speaking to The Telegraph, Mandie Knowles said:
I know people had problems with Shiny before and he could be aggressive at times but since he’s been neutered we’ve seen no signs of violent behaviour.He’s an outdoor cat but will come inside and have his food around our two-year-old Poppy – we’ve never had any issues with our three children. These people must have done something for him to act that way. He wouldn’t attack them out of the blue.
According to Adrian Knowles, they’ve done all they can, including bringing him to the vet and even ‘getting an animal psychologist round’.