LAST YEAR, WE made a terrible mistake.
We forgot Vincent Browne’s birthday and had to make a grovelling apology.
Not this year though, no way. We are all over this, and we’re here to make the big man smile on his big day.
You can shake your head all you want Vincent, we’ll give you the bumps if we have to!
Admittedly there have been some dark times…
Like the time you accidentally said “c**t”
Remember? You were trying so hard not to say it, and then you said it anyway?
But let’s put all that behind you for the day that’s in it, and remember the good times…
There was that time you had an ice cream
Images via Photocall Ireland
That time Sinéad Desmond lobbed the gob
Images via Photocall Ireland
There was that time Padraig McLochlainn called you a “b**tard” on live telly
That split second of realisation straight afterwards is GOLD Vinny, come on!
You can watch the full thing here for extra LOLs
Okay, we can see you’re still not impressed…
How about Glenda? You love Glenda
Images via Photocall Ireland
No? Still nothing?
Photocall Ireland
Hang on! We’ve got it!
Rows! You love nothing more than a good row!
Here are some of your best ones:
You versus Conor Lenihan
You versus Fionnan Sheahan
You versus everyone
Images via Photocall Ireland/YouTube
WE KNEW IT, you old curmudgeon!
Happy Birthday Vinny B!