Dublin: 4 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Vincent Browne almost fell off his chair laughing at this guy's take on marriage equality

“We want family values, and we don’t want to see men and women getting married. And that’s the holy all of it.”

Source: Luke O'Riordan/YouTube

FOR A WHILE, it appeared Vincent Browne was never going to stop laughing — after an audience member in his ‘People’s Debate’ show last night ended an impassioned denunciation of gay marriage with a seemingly heartfelt:

…we want family values, and we don’t want to see men and women getting married. And that’s the holy all of it.

Titters from the audience were soon echoed by the host, who seemed to forget for a moment that he was presenting a current affairs debate — deciding instead to indulge in a bit of laughter therapy.

The poor fellow who made the contribution appeared perplexed at the reaction, before his neighbour filled him in on the joke…

Everyone appeared to be settling in for a good laugh — before the speaker demanded the mic back, and doubled down on his anti-same sex tirade, lambasting everyone from Fine Gael to Sinn Féin.

Looks like we’re in for an interesting few months.

Read: Same-sex vote wording could be less cumbersome (that is to say, simpler) 

Read: ‘Yes’ side enjoys massive lead in same-sex marriage debate, but how secure is it? – Poll

About the author:

Daragh Brophy

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