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Genius dad invents way to fill up and tie 100 water balloons per minute

At last, our saviour has arrived.

WOW. WITH THIS weather, all we want is a good water fight. Filling water balloons is hell though. Who wants to be faced with this?


Surely there must be another way? Enter, this enterprising dad, nay, wizard.

Father-of-eight, Josh Malone from Texas, created a simple way to fill up and tie 100 water balloons per minute.


How? Just attach his ingenious invention to your hose like so

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Then, with a little shake, watch the damn magic happen

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Just IMAGINE the water balloon fights.

Malone is selling this piece of magic over on Kickstarter, which promises to make batches of 37 balloons in 20 seconds.

He told the Huffington Post that the idea stemmed from the thousands of balloons his big family go through in the Texas heat each summer.

We put a lot of effort into filling them and tying them and being careful not to waste them before they’re done. It’s obviously very time consuming.

The Kickstarter is proving to be a massive hit, with over €105,000 pledged of its €7,425 goal. You can pledge from Ireland starting at just €12 but shipping costs are a bit steep.



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