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6 reasons to love Jennifer Lawrence

Like you need any more than one reason to love Jennifer Lawrence.

THIS GIRL CAN do no wrong.

Even when she’s sweating all over Robert Downey JR she’s adorable.

If you don’t know who she is, she’s Jennifer Lawrence, star of The Hunger Games, Silver Linings Playbook, Winter’s Bone, and our dreams.

Watch out for the bonus Mean Girls reference:


Here are six more reasons to love her:

1. She’s fairly hilarious:


2. She’s luminous:

Exhibit A

Charles Sykes/AP/Press Association Images

Exhibit B

AP Photo/Joel Ryan

3. She dances with Bradley Cooper (who is also luminous) in Silver Linings Playbook:


4. She holds it together when Miley Cyrus’ fiancé Liam Hemsworth accidentally gives her a dig:

Vince Flores/AFF/EMPICS Entertainment

5. She was nominated for an Oscar for her role in Winter’s Bone


6. Did we mention she’s luminous?

(AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

(AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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