Dublin: 10 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

Weather watch: It's going to be really nice everywhere today. Except in Connacht.

(Sorry Connacht).

YESTERDAY WASN’T TOO bad at all, weather-wise — and we’re in for more of the same today. Well, most of us.

Met Éireann’s forecasting a dry, warm day with spells of sunshine. Except in parts of the north and west, unfortunately — where it will be a little cloudier.

Here’s the latest outlook from the folks at Glasnevin:

Highest temperatures of 17 to 21 degrees for most of the country, but only between 13 and 16 degrees in Connacht and west-Ulster.
It will become breezy everywhere with moderate to fresh southwest winds this afternoon

Rain in the west and north tonight will gradually spread inland, according to the forecast, but it’s set to stay dry in the east and south.

Tomorrow, the east coast looks set to escape the worst of the rain again. It’ll be a lot cooler everywhere though — highs of only 18 degrees at best.

From Monday, a low pressure system’s set to dominate the weather, bringing — well, all the usual stuff a low pressure brings in Ireland. Lots of different types of rain, essentially.

The rainfall radar at 7.15 this morning [Met.ie screengrab]

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About the author:

Daragh Brophy

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