Dublin: 14 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

These photos of this time last year will break your heart

It’s difficult to even imagine that there was a time when we felt warm. But there was.

THIS WEATHER IS, frankly, ridiculous.  It’s April on Monday, and there’s snow on the ground in many parts of the country.

Living in a snow globe is all well and good in December when there are twinkly lights and festive decorations around the place, but at this time of year it’s a different story.

We were struggling to remember what last Spring was like, so we checked the photo archives.

Ladies and gentleman, we give you this week last year.

Photographers were getting girls in the park to lie with their sunglassed heads in a circle

Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

Kids were diving off everything they could dive off of

Laura Hutton/Photocall Ireland

Protesters were in short sleeves

Sasko Lazarov / Photocall Ireland

Children were building sand castles

Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

Dogs were having the craic on the beach

Photocall Ireland

Fields were blossoming

Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Men were swimming without fear of hypothermia

Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

Dublin’s smokestacks were hazy and people were doing watersports

Laura Hutton/Photocall Ireland

Young people were forced to pose awkwardly in bikinis and swimming trunks

Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

People were probably saying ‘Jays, it’s nearly TOO hot.’

Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland

People were lolling about in the sun.  LOLLING!  Look at them!

Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

Alas, the warmth of the sun is but a distant memory now.  Something we’ll likely never feel again.

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