Where the slang words just sound so good:
1. Quare
The quintessential Wexford slang word. Other counties may lay claim to it, but they’re just pretenders to the quare throne.
2. Hun
Before it was taken on by the rest of the country to mean something else, hun was the classic Wexford way to end a sentence. And it remains so.
3. Bagel
Not the bread.
4. Taken
Another way of saying embarrassed.
5. Slift
As in, gis-a-lift. Merge those words.
6. Swept
Interchanged with taken.
7. Quaren
When quare gets merged with and to form the most Wexford word ever.
8. Skeet
9. Son
10. Lethal
Sounds more like Lidl. And all the better for it.
11. Comfortablist
The peak of comfort.