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Which Game of Thrones character has the fastest rising baby name of 2012?

It’s not Joffrey.

ARYA STARK IS amazing.  If you’ve watched even one episode of Game of Thrones you’ll know this.

Her love of archery and sword fighting meant she refused to conform to gender stereotypes before the proverbial hit the fan in the programme’s first season, and she has carried that badassery with her throughout.  Holding her own in a difficult world of men and violence, there is lots to like.


Thus, it is really no surprise that if one of the character’s names were to become popular for real life babies, it would be hers.

According to new figures on baby names from the U.S. Social Security administration, Arya is the fastest rising female baby name of 2012 in the states.

Other names that feature on the lists of boys and girls names include Haven (a nod to Jessica Alba’s daughter perhaps?), Messiah, Jase/Jace (Teen Mom effect?), Armani and Rory.

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