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Which Iconic Irish Couple Are You?

Take the quiz and find out.

IRELAND HAS GIVEN birth to many iconic couples. But which one are YOU?

acouple Source: Shutterstock

1. Pick a date
Watching a quirky gig then for some fast food and drinks
A red carpet event with loads of champagne

Walking our dogs then wine by the fire
Some glam bitch event with other glam bitches

A massive rave in the woods
The usual, dinner and some drinks in a fancy bar
2. What's your feeling about marriage?
Not for me
Can't wait for it to be honest

Maybe if I meet the right person
I'm already married
3. What kind of person do you go for?
Someone who's a bit of craic
Someone who's loyal and nice to me

Let's be honest, they have to be a complete ride
Someone who will have me
4. Pick a lad band
Blink 182

One Direction
The Beatles
5. Pick somewhere to go on holiday

The South of France

The States
6. Have you ever been on a Tinder date
7. Finally, what province do you hail from?

Answer all the questions to see your result!
EMPICS Sports Photo Agency
You scored out of !
Daniel and Majella O’Donnell
You are every Irish mammy's dream relationship. Go you.
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Laura Hutton RollingNews.ie
You scored out of !
Brian O’Driscoll and Amy Huberman
You're the king and queen of Dublin. Men and women want to be you, men and women want to be with you.
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Laura Hutton
You scored out of !
Bill Cullen and Jackie Lavin
You're a bit crusty, but deep down, a loyal person. Not that that will make you feel any better.
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Mark Stedman Rollingnews.ie
You scored out of !
Gerald Kean and Lisa Murphy
You've split up again but we have faith you'll get back together once and for all. You are Ireland's ONE TRUE LOVE.
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You scored out of !
Chris O’Dowd and Dawn O’Porter
OK so you're not TOTALLY Irish but you're an O' so that's good enough for us. You're kinda relationship GOALS and have got too big for us peasants.
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You scored out of !
Michael D and Sabina Higgins
You're the cutest couple in Ireland, like a minature and Romeo and Juilet, if Romeo and Juliet lived into their seventies.
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Shizuo Kambayashi PA Wire
You scored out of !
Madeline Mulqueen and Jack Reynor
You're the hot young things with so much potential. Well done you.
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