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Which Office Colleague Are You?

You work with these people every day, but who ARE you?

colleague Source: Flickr

1. It's somebody's birthday in the office, do you...
Run right over and wish them a happy birthday when you get in
Instantly have a slice of their delicious cake

Skulk around in the background while everyone sings Happy Birthday
Roar out Happy Birthday at the top of your voice

Get them a small gift when you're out for lunch
2. You're coming back into the office after lunch and a car splashes you with a puddle. Do you...
Hastily clean off your clothes and pretend it never happened
Internalise your grief and never mention it again

Tell people about it when you get back to your desk
Laugh it off as all part of this beautiful Spring day
3. There is a controversial shift on the office night out, were you...
Taking notes of who was involved so you can share the gossip the next day
Shift? I was busy at the bar in a long chat with a colleague

Actually involved in the shift itself
Watching it happen, but won't mention it to anyone for the rest of your days
4. How would you describe your typing style?
Quick but a little all over the place
Quiet, subtle and efficient

Really, really loud
Typing? I'd prefer to have a chat
5. What do you do when you get in the lift with somebody?
Speculate on when the next "session" is
Politely nod and mutter hello

Complain about the weather and how early in the week it is
Always make sure to keep the doors open for people rushing in
6. Your standard lunch at work is...
Having a good chat in the kitchen with whoever
Going out to a shop, but offering to get people stuff when you're there

A full, hot meal at your desk
Going out for a divine lunch, and telling people in the office about it when you get back
7. Somebody brings delicious treats back from holiday, do you...
Wait until the first stampede is gone, and casually walk over after
Charge over and have the first pick

Use the opportunity to have some craic whilst chomping
Let everyone else have their fun
8. You see food in the fridge that is NOT MARKED, you...
Claim it as yours since there is no name on it
Leave well alone because, ew, it's not yours

Didn't even open the fridge, you never bother to bring food in
Send an office-wide email about the matter, trying to get to the bottom of it
9. You're just about to go on holidays, do you...
Slyly mention it that morning and bask in the glory of your impending holiday
Talk about your plans for what you'll be doing while away

Never mention it all day and leave as usual
Chat to your colleagues about what their plans are for when you're away
10. And finally, what time signifies the end of a weekday office night out for you?
9PM - must be up early in the morning, so just one or two for me
11PM - a few drinks are worth it for the craic

1AM - things got a little crazy last night, but holding it together
3AM - tomorrow's morning schedule will need to be cancelled
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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The generous soul
You're always the one to bring in treats for everyone in the office and you have been known to overspend on your secret santa.
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The over sharer
You love to let everyone know what's up, and you're not afraid to take a personal call in the office.
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The loud eater
You have no qualms about rocking up to your desk and tucking into a full, hot meal REALLY loudly
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The shameless flirt
You will chat to anyone, always with a tone to your voice that screams FLIRTING.
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The strong, silent type
You get the job done with the minimum of fuss and you can be seen rolling your eyes at all that commotion going on.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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