Dublin: 10 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Why National Tell A Girl She’s Beautiful Day is an Irish disaster

Oh, this old thing?

SO IT’S NATIONAL Tell A Girl She’s Beautiful Day. That’s great and all, but we all know that it’s a potential tornado of awkwardness just waiting to be unleashed across Ireland. Irish women just can’t take a compliment.

God forbid we’d get too full of ourselves, so better to play it safe and remain completely self-deprecating.

Conversations tend to go something like this:

“Did you get your hair done?”

“Oh yeah, like ages ago. Wasn’t really happy with it, but sure I’ll get used to it.”

Via Tumblr/chanelle-francisxo

“Your dress is gorgeous.”

“Penneys. A fiver. Have it ages.”

Via Tumblr/lourenesokolova

“Your teeth are gorgeous, those braces really paid off.”

“Totally wasn’t worth it. The pain, the agony. It’s even more obvious now how yellow they are.”

Via Tumblr/fckyeahreactions

“You look really well, were you away?”

“No it’s out of a bottle. Can’t afford a holiday. And I burn. Look at my knees, disaster.”

Via Tumblr/fiercegifs

Via Tumblr/Kasually-kardashian

“Lets take a photo to justify the fact that we spent 3 hours getting ready.”

“Don’t you dare! Hack of me today.”

Via Tumblr/fiercegifs

Via PandaWhale

"Your arse looks great in that dress."

"Ugh I've gained like a stone since the sun. All that ice-cream, and I'm wearing massive granny knickers."

Via Tumblr/fiercegifs

"That thing you did, it was amazing! Well done."

"Oh God, it's shite. What am I at at all, scarlet."


"I love everything about you, you're great, I just wish you'd realise it."

Via Tumblr/AhSoRefreshing

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