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Quiz: Are You Going To Survive This Hangover?

How much of a heap are you in?


1. Choose a Simon and Garfunkel song

3. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Motilium, or similar
Monster Munch

5. Choose a film to watch

6. Which of these hungover owls do you identify with the most?
7. Are you afraid to look at your phone?

8. If you could drink anything right now it would be...

Wikimedia Commons
9. Have you cried yet today?

I'm crying right now
I can't remember the last time I cried
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You will survive!
You might feel a bit dodgy now but give it a few sausage rolls and a couple of hours and you might even consider some Hair of the Dog.
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You're close to death
Tell your pals to go on without you. You'll never drink again. You might never laugh again.
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You might pull through... just
You need a delivery of beige food and maybe, just maybe, you will learn to laugh again. You're promising yourself that you will never ever drink again though.
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You're barely hungover!
You're that hateful person who drank until 5am but feels 'grand' just a "bit tired". Grand enough to go to IKEA or for dinner with your parents.
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It's in the post
You feel grand now but things could take a turn later. Don't be too cocky.
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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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