Dublin: 3 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

Drink up! Scientists say you're more attractive after having a glass of wine

Oh, if you insist.

Image: Uncalno

SCIENCE SAYS SO, so it must be true. According to a Bristol University study, people are physically more attractive after they had a sup of wine.

Shockingly, it’s the person who drinks it that becomes more attractive, not just to the person drinking.

Super serious scientists asked 40 students to drink alcohol and photographed them at each stage. Pre-wine, post-one glass, and post-two glasses.

They then asked some other students to judge which was the more attractive photo. Most students agreed that the photos were most attractive after one drink, but least attractive after two drinks.

Reasons this might be the case is that a single alcoholic drink causes facial muscles to relax, pupils to dilate, and cheeks to flush. Rosy cheeks, of course, signify good health.

They conclude:

Our data indicates that alcohol consumption may lead to consumers being rated as more attractive than sober individuals, but only following low levels of consumption. The increase in skin redness and decrease in skin lightness corresponded to the increase in facial attractiveness in the low alcohol condition, suggesting that facial flushing may drive the increase in facial attractiveness.

So now.

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