1. Sitting down in front of the telly, with nothing particular in mind
2. Discovering that the Winter Olympics are on
3. Realising that this is the only thing you know about the Winter Olympics
(That and what you learned from Mighty Ducks.)
4. Being totally baffled by a weird sport you’ve never encountered before
5. Saying something to the screen like…
6. Becoming oddly addicted, and totally losing track of time
7. Four hours later, discovering that you’re sitting on the edge of the sofa, and getting REALLY engaged
8. Because you now know everything there is to know about winter sport, and have passionate opinions about all of it
9. Along with deep loyalties to particular teams, who you would go to the grave for if called upon
10. Getting emotional over the against-the-odds triumph of an underdog
11. Becoming conscious that figure skating is your favourite thing in the world ever, and probably also your one true vocation in life
12. Recognising that skeleton athletes are our culture’s only true daredevil heroes and should be celebrated like kings
13. Vowing to take up at least one Olympic sport after the games are over
“Sure isn’t there a dry ski slope in Wicklow?”
14. Realising that it’s 5am, you’re up watching the curling, and you have to go to work in three hours.
But hey, it’s worth it.