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A woman named "Beautiful Existence" challenged herself to only eat at Starbucks for a year

Yes, that’s right. Her name is “Beautiful Existence”.

A WOMAN CALLING herself “Beautiful Existence” (her legal name, apparently) has completed a year-long challenge to only consume food sold at Starbucks.

On her website, for1yearofmylife.com, Beautiful blogged about her progress and experience with the huge coffee chain’s culinary delights.

But this isn’t Beautiful’s first outing into bizarre self-set challenges. In 2011, she bought everything for herself and her family from charity shop Goodwill and in 2012 she followed every single parenting tip in Parents magazine. This year, she’ll be trying out up to 80 recreational sports with the help of the store REI.

But more about the Starbucks.

The rules were thus: Beautiful could eat anything sold at Starbucks (or places she deemed as “Starbucks-inspired” including other café chains Roy Street Coffee, Tazo Tea and Evolution Fresh – which seems like cheating to us, but whatever). She also did not feed the Starbucks food to her two sons.

Beautiful's Source: Instagram/Beautiful Existence

And why exactly did Beautiful endeavour to eat Starbucks for a whole year of her life? Well, Beautiful claims that her “limitless view of possibility” inspired her challenges, and that she has mapped out “over 20 years worth” of them to “explore” in her life.

In her website’s biography, Beautiful also notes that she has “pushed the limits of upcycling designs for years” and has “started research on evolving humanity through social media platforms”.

Perhaps all that frappucino sugar has gone to her head, though, because we haven’t a clue what she’s on about. Best of luck, Beautiful Existence!

H/T BuzzFeed

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About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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