MEET HUMA MOBIN and Arsalaan Sever Butt, a newly married couple from Lahore, Pakistan.
The pair were due to honeymoon Greece last month, but sadly, Butt wasn’t granted a visa in time for the trip.
Mobin told Buzzfeed that she initially refused to go without her husband, but as the holiday was already paid for, she ended up going with her in-laws.
I cried the first night on my mother-in-law’s shoulder, but she told me to make the best of it.
Mobin is clearly 100% a gas ticket, so she did make the best of it - by visiting all the places she was supposed to go with her husband and taking dramatic, pouty photographs to show how much she missed him.
All the happy moments that could have been </3
According to Buzzfeed, Mobin actually got the idea for the pictures from her husband – he sent her a similar photo when he went on a trip without her after their engagement.
At one point, she dropped her phone in the sea, so she made sure to express her sorrow about that in her mopey pictures, too:
Huma, you’re a tonic. Check out all of her lonely honeymoon adventures here on her Facebook page.