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Worried Seal is the new meme that perfectly sums up your life

All hail Worried Seal.


Source: cutepicturesite.com

Two years ago, this picture of a worried seal was posted on CutePictureSite.com with the caption “So I Won’t Get That Rate On My Insurance?”

And there it stayed. Until yesterday, when this perfect caption was applied to it:

Source: Postcaption

Suddenly, Worried Seal was born. And it was EVERYWHERE.

Worried Seal is for THOSE moments of social inadequacy. Like this:

Source: Livememe

And this:

Source: Imgur

Basically, Worried Seal is your life.

Worried Seal currently occupies all four of the top spots on Reddit’s Advice Animals subreddit. He’s even got a GIF:

Source: Imgur

Yes, Worried Seal is here to stay.

Source: Imgur

But what about Socially Awkward Penguin, the previous repository for examples of pure socially-induced fear?

No need to worry.

Source: Imgur

More: Bad Pun Dog is the new meme you need in your life>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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