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Ireland's worst golfer is selling his golf clubs

Sometimes, it’s time to give up.

THERE ARE SOME golf clubs for sale on DoneDeal.ie.

Source: Donedeal.ie

They come with a sad story. Says the vendor, Ciaran:

Having come to the realisation that I’m a danger to both myself and everyone else on the golf course the following items are for sale.

According to Ciaran, the King Cobra clubs are:

Fantastic clubs for hitting hooks, slices and shanks. I did hit one straight shot with these also but it’s been so long ago that I can hardly remember. Suit someone with a similar swing to my own- ie useless.

He goes into a few technical details, including one with a

flex RIP shaft. RIP most of my golf balls too that I hit with it as they are now the subjects of search and rescue efforts on various golf courses throughout Leinster.

And finally, a word of caution:

Also included is a Sureshot GPS unit for measuring distance to front/middle/ back of green on each hole. Please note this is only of use if you have any balls left to hit.

Godspeed, Ciaran. Hope you get a good price.

Source: Wildammo

More: Don’t get drunk and let someone tee off on your face>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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